recently ive lerned what my true goal in life is. i mean there was alot of things i wanted to do. i found out what my talents are but i didnt really know how to use them.. untill now. what i plan to do is use my singing ability to be a famous singer, not to be rich a famous.well yes to be rich and famous...but not in the way most people would think of.what i wanna do is use wealth and fame to chang the world.i wanna give my monies to 3rd world contries, missionarys, safe houses, shealters, soup kitchens, and whatever else is needed.but the first thing i wann do is fund an organization that builds wells and gives barns and cattle to those is need in 3rd world contries.well this is not as easy as it sounds, and it dosnt even sound easy.i know i wanna do all of this. and i know i can, i know God wants me too, and i am caonfident that its possible.but im scared. i dont know whare to start. i need to get noticed to do this. its never gona be easy. but its what i really really wanna do. and trust me its not about wanting to be famous. i really just wanna chang the world. and i dont understand how no other celeberty has never done it. i mean they give a bit but not a whole lot. what i wanna do is give it all and just keep enough for me to live a normal lifecelebertys make millions just to do a commercial or other things like that. they earn alot of monies and just keep it all to themselves. i dont understand, mayb they just dont know whats going on in the world around them. i just dont understand how someone could be so greedy. and theres alot of them who are greedy. its sad. how can so many people be so self centered. do they not care that millions of people are dieing everyday of starvation and desise. how can people egnore it?so ive decided that i cant just sit around and let our culture keep all this useless mony to ourselvs to buy us things we dont need. i wann make a difference. not just in saving people from dieing in poor contries. but in our culture as well. i wanna be an example and open the eyes to people. show then whats really goin on in the worldi dont know how im gona do it. but with Gods help i know i can.but i could really use the prayer and encouragement. i hope i hope i hope that i can really do just so scared.